
Haxball Standard Elo

Plugin for calculating ranking points according to Elo system. To be used with node package haxball.js


npm i hax-standard-elo


Website documentation is available at jakjus.github.io/hax-standard-elo/


Your haxball room can use in-memory database, SQL database or other. We do not know how to get elo of player, so to make it possible for every memory, you have to provide functions that get and set elo's. All the other calculations will be handled by plugin.

  • GetElo - getting data of a player (including Elo)
  • ChangeElo - changing data of a player

You can find these definitions at docs.

Getting Started

The following example uses in-process memory within Haxball.js room script.

// room.js

const HaxballJS = require("haxball.js");
const { calculateChanges, execChanges } = require("hax-standard-elo");

const getRoom = async () => {
const HBInit = await HaxballJS
const room = HBInit({
roomName: 'test',
token: 'yourtokenhere'
return room

// example of in-memory data storage
const memory = {}

const run = async () => {
const room = await getRoom()

room.onPlayerJoin = (player) => {
room.setPlayerAdmin(player.id, true)
if (!memory[player.id]) {
memory[player.id] = {...player, elo: 1200}

// implement get and change functions for our memory type
const getEloOfPlayer = async (playerId) => memory[playerId].elo
const changeEloOfPlayer = (playerId, change) => {
memory[playerId].elo += change

room.onTeamVictory = async _ => {
try {
const changeList = await calculateChanges(room, getEloOfPlayer)
await execChanges(changeList, getEloOfPlayer, changeEloOfPlayer)
} catch(e) {

room.onRoomLink = link => {


The equivalent example for TypeScript is in room.ts.

Example for SQL DB

For SQL database, getEloOfPlayer could be:

// ...init sqlite package and db

const getEloOfPlayer = async (playerId) =>
db.all(`SELECT elo FROM player WHERE playerId = ?`, [playerId], (err, rows) => {
rows.forEach((row) => return row.elo)

// do the adequate SQL query for changeEloOfPlayer
// const changeEloOfPlayer = ...


This library uses Elo rating system as shown in the Wikipedia. Elo was designed for 1v1 (2 entities competing against each other) with no draws. Therefore, to make it feasible in many players vs many players scenario, each player is changed using his individual elo and enemy team average elo. It helps having normally distributed Elo rankings across playerbase with smaller variance.


npm run build


Getting data

For performance purposes, you may want to get all the players data in one query. Then getEloOfPlayer should read individual players Elo from parsed data.

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